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Mini Aón "Zicare"
Esta pieza es uno de los clásicos del Arte Furtivo, una representación del perro mudo taíno que los indígenas llamaban Aón.
Los hay de varios tamaños y producto de técnicas cerámicas diferentes. Este es de los más pequeños (10 x 7cms aprox) y está quemado con la técnica THIXAV, aplicando cloruro férrico, sal y azúcar a la pieza, forrada con papel de aluminio y quemada a 970 °C.
Type | Mini Aon |
Country | República Dominicana |
City | Santo Domingo |
Area | Zona Oeste |
Value | 300 Kipcoins |
Published | 2022-02-09 11:53:28 |
Status | FOUND |
2022-02-05 04:30:00
Bordeando al norte de lo frondoso, y navegando de Este a Oeste, después de CINCO, cuenta seis tarros y un cemi, la puerta y otro cemi.
2022-02-05 05:30:00
A la derecha del cemi, siempre rumbo Oeste caminas veinte pasos atravesando entre la palma y el poste.
2022-02-05 10:00:00
A la derecha, entre verdes que cuelgan y coralinas que separan.
2022-02-05 16:00:00
Mira y busca como bajar tu aonsito del cielo.
Thimo Pimentel
The hearts of the eros series are mostly made with the rakú technique in a reducing atmosphere. They are one of the most coveted and sought after pieces of Stealth Art. Its market price is 100 dollars but if you find it in one of the furtive actions when deciphering the clues, it is yours and you have nothing to pay.
Thimo Pimentel
, The Ukranians hearts just came out in raku , like true collectors items.
Thimo Pimentel
Guanín is called an alloy of copper, gold and silver, similar to red gold, used in the pre-Columbian Caribbean. The name guanín is taken from the language of the insular "Taíno" Arawak people, who appreciated it for its reddish color, brilliant shine, and unique scent, and associated it with mundane and supernatural power.
Thimo Pimentel
There is no worse scenario than a war, much less when terror is applied to the civilian population
Yaniris Lopez
A project of the Fusion Foundation seeks to value the spaces and daily life of the city's neighborhoods.